fredag, juni 26, 2009

Borei Keila-invånarna vräkta!

Torsdag den 18 juni tvångsförflyttades 20 familjer från Borei Keila, och tre dagar senare vräktes ytterligare 11 familjer. Skicka gärna ett uppdaterat vädjandebrev:

Dear Governor/Minister,

I would like to draw your attention to the plight of the former inhabitants of Borei Keila in Phnom Penh who have been evicted from their homes.

I condemn the eviction of 20 families living with HIV and AIDS 18 June to a grossly inadequat resettlement with no clean water, no sanitation, no electricity, no health services and inadequate housing.

I am also concerned that 11 other families were evicted on 21 June without guaranteed adequate alternative housing of tenure at Borei Keila.

I urgently call on the authorities to immediately provide humanitarian assistance to the families and improve basic services at Tuol Sambo, such as clean water, an adequate sanitation and sewage system, and access to local health care.

Forced evictions were recognized by the UN Commission on Human Rights to be a gross violation of a range of human rights including the right to adequate housing, which is protected in Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). As a state party to the ICESCR and other international treaties, Cambodia has an obligation to stop forced evictions and to protect people from forced evictions.

Respectfully and sincerely,

Namn, adress

Skicka vädjanden till:

Kep Chuktema
Phnom Penh Municipality
#69 Blvd. Preah Monivong
Phnom Penh
Fax: + 855 23 426101
Salutation: Dear Governor

Mom Bunheng
Minister of Health
Ministry of Health
No 151-153 Kampuchea Krom Blvd.
Phnom Penh
Fax: + 855 23 426841
Salutation: Dear Minister

Skicka kopior till:

Lok Chumteav Bun Rany Hun Sen
President, Cambodian Red Cross
#17, Street Cambodian Red Cross (street 180)
Phnom Penh
Salutation: Dear Lok Chumteav

The Royal Embassy of Cambodia
64 Brondesbury Park
Willesden Green
London NW6 7AT
Fax. 020-8451 7594

Skicka vädjandet snarast! Kontrollera med Amnesty om ni skickar efter den 11 augusti.

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söndag, juni 14, 2009

Borei Keila-borna blir tvångsvräkta inom de närmaste dagarna (eller timmarna)

Nu måste jag be er alla att skicka vädjanden igen!

De lokala myndigheterna har låtit meddela att de sista familjerna som bor kvar i området Borei Keila i Phnom Penh ska tvångsförflyttas till ett område 2 mil från staden de närmaste dagarna. Minst en familjemedlem i 32 av familjerna är i behov av bromsmediciner för hiv eller behandling av aidsrelaterade sjukdomar. I området de ska flyttas till finns inga försörjningsmöjligheter och ingen tillgång till sjukvård eller möjlighet att ta sig till kliniker i andra områden. De hiv/aids-drabbade familjerna kommer att få flytta in i små hus av grön plåt som i området kallas för "aidsbyn". Familjerna är mycket fattiga och riskerar nu att bli än mer stigmatiserade och diskriminerade. De små husen saknar rent vatten, toaletter och elektricitet. De är byggda tätt in på varandra och är därför mycket dåligt ventilerade.

Tvångsvräkningar är ett stort problem i Kambodja. Förra året fick Amnesty rapporter om 27 tvångsvräkningar vilket drabbade ca 23000 personer. 150 000 kambodjaner riskerar tvångsvräkning i nuläget, varav 70 000 i huvudstaden Phnom Penh.

Jag har skrivit ett vädjande som vanligt. Klipp och klistra och sätt in ert namn och skicka till adresserna längst ner i det här inlägget.

Dear Governor/Minister,

I feel deeply concerned that 32 families living with HIV and AIDS at Borei Keila, Phnom Penh, are at imminent risk of forced eviction to a resettlement site, with no clean water, sanitation, electricity or health services.

I urgently call on you to:

* protect he 32 families from forced eviction, and to clarify reports that some of the families are considered eligible for flats in the new buildings which are being constructed as part of the 2003 land-share agreement.

* guarantee adequate alternative housing with security of tenure for those determined to be ineligible, including access to health services for continuation of anti-retroviral treatment and treatment for HIV and AIDS related illnesses or opportunistic infections.

* ensure that the families are not discriminated against because of their health status, either in the assessment process for eligibility for housing at Borei Keila, or provision of alternative adequate housing.

I finally call on the government to end all forced evictions as a matter of urgency!

Forced evictions were recognized by the UN Commission on Human Rights to be a gross violation of a range of human rights including the right to adequate housing, which is protected in Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). As a state party to the ICESCR and other international treaties, Cambodia has an obligation to stop forced evictions and to protect people from forced evictions.

Respectfully and sincerely

Namn, Adress

Skicka vädjanden till:

Kep Chuktema
Phnom Penh Municipality
#69 Blvd. Preah Monivong
Phnom Penh
Fax: + 855 23 426101
Salutation: Dear Governor

Mom Bunheng
Minister of Health
Ministry of Health
No 151-153 Kampuchea Krom Blvd.
Phnom Penh
Fax: + 855 23 426841
Salutation: Dear Minister

Skicka kopior till:

Lok Chumteav Bun Rany Hun Sen
President, Cambodian Red Cross
#17, Street Cambodian Red Cross (street 180)
Phnom Penh
Salutation: Dear Lok Chumteav

The Royal Embassy of Cambodia
64 Brondesbury Park
Willesden Green
London NW6 7AT
Fax. 020-8451 7594

Skicka vädjandet snarast! Kontrollera med Amnesty om ni skickar efter 23 juli.

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